John: Emily, but I don’t have a breakthrough idea, isn’t that a problem for getting a patent?
Emily: I wish there could have been a simpler answer to that.
If we consider IP as analougus to Real estate, patenting an invention is like Building a house of invention in the IP universe requires adherence to specific requirements, much like constructing a house in the real world demands compliance with building regulations.
John: What is required?
Emily: Quite a few things. Let me brief
Defining the Plots of Patentable Inventions
In the IP universe, the concept of statutory subject matter acts as a blueprint for
determining the types of inventions eligible for patent protection. Similar to city zoning laws that dictate where houses can be built, statutory subject matter outlines what inventions can be patented.
Out of all the land of inovation, some of plots are designated for patentable inventions, such as processes, systems, apparatus, articles of manufacture, and compositions of matter. These plots represent the fertile ground where innovative houses can be erected.
However, not all plots are open for construction. Certain areas, like laws of nature and abstract ideas, remain off-limits to patenting, akin to natural reserves where building is strictly prohibited. Yet, just like a skilled architect finds creative solutions, some inventions can still qualify for patent protection if they offer innovative applications or novel ways of extracting natural compositions.
John: Okay!
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